Happy 2025!

Hello! I hope your 2025 is off to a good start--

If you live in the Los Angeles area, or in the devastated mountains of North Carolina/Tennessee, know that we are praying for you. I have been glued to Youtube, watching the devastation in both places. My heart breaks for those folks, and I have been praying.

I have a few bits of news for you. First, you are the first to see the new cover for Rescued Heart, the Story of Sarah, which I wrote in 2024. This book releases sometime in the fall of this year. Isn't she beautiful? The folks at Bethany House always do such a great job on book covers.

And we can't forget THE DAUGHTER OF ROME, which arrives even sooner! It's the third and final book of the Emissaries series, the books set in places where Paul established churches. This book releases in early March, so it will be here before you know it! Available wherever books are sold.

And if you or someone you know is interested in writing, I'll be speaking/teaching at a Christian writer's conference in late March (28th and 29th). Held at the beautiful Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs, the Write in the Springs conference is sponsored by the local ACFW chapter. Our theme is "Write like a Gladiator: Combining Craft with Courage," and I'd love to see you there! For more information, visit this link: https://acfwcosprings.net/wits-2025/

Finally, I'm still writing the weekly/monthly newsletter for those who want to be professional writers. Check it out at angelahunt.substack.com.

Stay warm this winter, and keep the faith. The world seems to be going crazy at times, but we know who holds the future, and we trust Him in all things!

Thank you for your interest and support!



Angela Hunt Communications

Angela Hunt is the author of more than 165 books for children and adults, in fiction and nonfiction. She lives with her husband, dogs, and chickens in central Florida. In addition to writing stories her readers love, Angela has a passion for teaching new writers how to write fiction and nonfiction more effectively.

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